Effort to Reduce The Temperature of The Coolant in The Radiator with Variations PCM






Aluminum, steel 37, PCM, temperature, radiator


This study aims to determine the effect of using PCM to reduce the temperature water coming from the engine, installed between the radiator and the engine. The radiator is part of the combustion engine that functions to cool the engine, through the circulation of coolant that enters the cooling channel in the engine, the coolant absorbs heat. The heat absorbed by the liquid enters the radiator to be cooled, and then the cold liquid is fed back into the engine in circulation. The PCM is made of aluminum and ST 37 steel. Made like a box measuring 8 cm x 8 cm thickness 2 mm, the middle hole with a diameter of 3.5 cm is 8 pieces. The machine used is the L300 engine. The results of the study explained that the decrease in the temperature of the filling water after using PCM reached 17.50C. While the use of PCM, very effective where the cooling water that comes out of the machine can be reduced by 17.830C. Engine speed at stationary conditions (800 – 1100) aluminum PCM is more effective but at engine speed starting (1250 – 2000) the effective PCM is ST 37 steel. Engine speed at stationary conditions (800 – 1100) aluminum PCM is effective but at engine speed starting (1250 – 2000)the effective PCM is ST 37.


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How to Cite

Suhartoyo. (2022). Effort to Reduce The Temperature of The Coolant in The Radiator with Variations PCM. JMIO: Jurnal Mesin Industri Dan Otomotif, 2(02), 46–50. https://doi.org/10.46365/jmio.v2i02.439