Experimental Study of The Effect of Nozzle Diameter on Fuel Combustion


  • Arif Setyo Nugroho Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Warga Surakarta
  • Aris Teguh Rahayu STTWarga Surakarta
  • Novan Andreas Rubiandana STT Warga Surakarta




Fire quality; waste oil; cooking oil; steam ; nozzle.


This study aims to determine how the diameter of the nozzle hole and the type of fuel affect the quality of the flame and the heating time of 1 liter of water. The fuel used in the test is liquid waste, namely used cooking oil and used oil. The used cooking oil produced from the former frying pan has not been used and is only thrown away to damage the environment. Likewise, used oil, especially for combustion engines and industry, has not been used to its full potential. Waste cooking oil and used oil are used as fuel from the above. The results showed that the quality of the flame depends on the diameter of the nozzle and the flow rate of fuel from the liquid waste. Used cooking oil and used oil are heated by heating before being used as fuel because they are difficult to burn. To boil 1 liter of water, it takes 3.27 minutes with used cooking oil fuel using a 7 mm nozzle and a boiling time of 1 liter of water 3.21 minutes using a 7 mm nozzle with used oil fuel. With the nature of the orange flame, fuel oil has the property of producing a rather thick and cloudy smoke compared to used cooking oil. Water converted to steam has a pressure that increases the flame and reduces thick smoke because water contains elements of oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen and hydrogen contained in the water vapor add to the quality of the flame. Namely, the fire becomes bigger, and the fire becomes brighter.


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How to Cite

Nugroho, A. S., Rahayu, A. T., & Rubiandana, N. A. (2021). Experimental Study of The Effect of Nozzle Diameter on Fuel Combustion. JMIO: Jurnal Mesin Industri Dan Otomotif, 2(02), 27–32. https://doi.org/10.46365/jmio.v2i02.435